Featured Gift Free Download


RUNE – TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Gift – When the protagonist wakes up, he finds himself on a luxury cruise ship. The game revolves around the story of his attempts to escape from the sinking ship and a group of… GAME OVERVIEW   It will mean a lot

Featured Expansion Europa Universalis IV Winds of Change Free Download

Europa Universalis IV Winds of Change-RUNE

RUNE – TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Expansion – Europa Universalis IV: Winds of Change – Winds of Change makes wide-ranging changes to twenty nations stretching from the Andean highlands to the vast steppes of… GAME OVERVIEW   This expansion pack for Europa Universalis IV focuses on three regions

Featured V Rising Free Download

V Rising v1.0.0.79266

TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED V Rising – Awaken as a Vampire. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength and evade the scorching sun to survive. Raise your castle and thrive in an… GAME OVERVIEW   Experience a Vampire Survival Action RPG adventure like no other.

Featured Plushie from the Sky Free Download

Plushie from the Sky

TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Plushie from the Sky – A goofy action RPG. Armed with a plushie, smack down nightmarish foes with cuddly chaos. Cheese the boss. Dodge roll your way to victory! GAME OVERVIEW   https://store.steampowered.com/app/1679510/Plushie_from_the_Sky/ Find your way home Play as a little angel who fell

Featured Free Download 9

下一站江湖Ⅱ v1.1.12

TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED 《下一站江湖Ⅱ》是白玉京工作室“下一站江湖”系列中的第二款单机沙盒武侠游戏: 1、 坚持纯单机、无需联网的游戏体验 2、 坚持买断制+DLC收费 3、 坚持创新迭代:无缝开放地图+市井江湖 4、 走自己的江湖路,圆大家的武侠梦 GAME OVERVIEW   《下一站江湖Ⅱ》是白玉京工作室的第二款3D纯单机开放世界武侠作品,付费下载无内购、离线游戏可跨端存档!多身份线、多结局、沙盒玩法,后续还将推出专属MOD编辑器,让玩家可以协同一起丰富整个江湖的内容、玩法。不过,江湖Ⅱ依然拥有如下缺点,各位大侠购买前一定要注意哦: 1.BUG较多:预计会有一些我们测试不到位的细节BUG,大家可以通过游戏内的BUG提交或官网的BUG提交随时提交BUG或查阅相关解决进度!我们已做好连续加班优化准备 2.立绘较普通:目前立绘显示默认关闭,大侠可以按ESC——系统设置——操作设置——对话立绘显示中打开立绘。由于开放世界角色量级过大,成本不够,我们当前的制作立绘流程:引擎里的3D模型摆上POSE拍照>使用SD的AI技术对照片进行精修>人工修饰 3.美术不够好:主要原因是没钱哈哈!但是一定比上一作提升很多!我们能承诺的是我们的江湖单机系列一代比一代好,一步步来! 4.动作打击感不足:由于工作室底层技术积累不够、且首次从回合制转即时战斗,因此在操作、打击感等方面比起其他大作差距较大。(我们的计划是逐代更迭) 5.手柄、SteamDeck目前阶段尚未适配:只有4个程序,我们先集中保证上线版本的稳定性、优先解决或者准备解决大家遇到的问题,然后同步抓紧适配手柄及DECK并在售后第一时间进行适配更新 ,还望各位大侠海涵…   Title: 下一站江湖Ⅱ Developer: 白玉京工作室 Publisher: 白玉京工作室 Release Date: 17 Apr, 2024 Genre: Open World, RPG, Strategy, Action, Adventure   DOWNLOAD LINKS   Release Name:

Featured Path of Achra Free Download

Path of Achra

TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED Path of Achra is a dark fantasy roguelike of the ancient earth, with a focus on streamlined controls and rapid hero customization. A "broken build sandbox."… GAME OVERVIEW   The demo is a full, older version of the game. The current version has much